
Vickie Paladino has vowed to fight a new Greenway. But who is she? A "Great Mind of NYC"

2 of the 3 workshops for the Queens greenway have already been completed. The last remaining one is in Council Member Vickie Paladino’s Bayside district, which you should absolutely attend, if you want to see a real, genuine NYC shitshow:

Section 3: Willets Point to Fort Totten
Thursday, October 24, from 6-8 pm at Alley Pond Park and Environmental Center in Douglaston

Let’s keep in mind what she is actually fighting against here. She thinks she’s fighting bike lanes (because she has a great mind) but what she’s actually fighting against is a waterfront greenway, like the residents of Western Queens already enjoy. This is pretty degenerate stuff.

It’s especially obnoxious considering even bike lanes are, among other things, engines of mobility for the elderly and disabled, and drastically reduce road injuries and deaths cyclists, divers, and pedestrians of all ages, especially children — for whom cars are the #1 killer.

However, it’s not really clear why anyone who makes decisions would care at all what Vickie Paladino thinks here. She has no power at all in the Council, being one of a handful of marginalized MAGA republicans in a 51 member body, who was marginalized even further for her frequent bigotry.

Greenways also take a long time to build. She will be gone long before this greenway she is fighting against for dumb culture war reasons is completed — certainly from her council office, and possibly from this world entirely. This work being done now is to plant trees for future generations of Queens residents. The avatars of the imaginary conservative past need to sit down and shut up.